Spotlight Release Review | Faerie – k-town
Location: United States, New York

Today is a good day because today we get to introduce you all to one of the most talented up-and-coming artists we have come across from the New York area. We all know New York has the reputation of bringing some of the best talents, well Faerie is one of those maintaining that reputation and their latest release ‘K-town’ evidences that. Crafted with LA producer Matty Bedrosian this awesome track leads us on a journey of the artists’ want for enlightenment.
This track opens with some gorgeous rhythmic guitar riffs which continue to make their appearance throughout. These are joined with some beautiful drum beats featuring a strong but well-used cymbal crash ever so often, which for anyone that is alive will take over their body and leave them compelled to tap along. These main two elements are joined throughout by a number of other elements that fill out this gorgeous backing track such as what seems to be a tambourine at one point and keys to name a few.
This entire backing gives hella Fleetwood Mac vibes, but in contrast, potentially, the vocals are more reminiscent of Lorde. That dreamy, low tone, delivering emotional vocals but with an air of confident carelessness that we all know and love has been replicated here to an extent, but of course, with its own spin resulting in a track where the vocals contradict the topic and there is nothing, we love more than a bit of creative contrast.
Everything within this track screams hit and I can’t wait to see what comes next for Faerie.